Foster a Pet
Help save a life, foster!
Becoming a foster for GPAS will saves lives. This will also help free space at our shelter for another pet to be rescued! Fostering has so many benefits including, but not limited to, the following:
Fostering can help a pet get used to life in a home setting. This will help create a better adjustment for when they are ready to be adopted into their forever home.
Orphaned or newborn animals, as well as those with special medical needs or behavioral challenges, benefit greatly from the one-on-one attention they receive in foster care.
A shelter can be a noisy, stressful place, especially for shy and frightened animals. Providing a loving, quiet, safe space goes a long way toward preparing an animal for adoption

This was Arthur when he came to us. He was emaciated, sad, and so scared. Thankfully, a friend of Griffin Pond offered to foster Arthur so he could receive the attention and medical care he deserved.
Here's Arthur on his adoption day when his foster dad decided to make it official! It's amazing what a little love can do. This is why fostering is so important.

Never been charged with animal cruelty
Never been charged with a violent crime
Current pets are up to date on vaccines
Current pets are spayed or neutered
Never surrendered a pet (if you have please explain)
Requirements to Foster

Moonshine - This was the day he went into foster. He could hardly open his eyes. He was not eating or drinking. We knew he needed more attention outside of the shelter environment.
Moonshine - This was just 10 days after arriving to his foster home. He is eating and drinking. His eyes look so much better and he is just about ready to marked as available for adoption! We love our fosters!

Ready to become a Foster?
If you are interested in fostering please fill out the form below.
If we do not currently need a foster, you can still submit a form! We will keep your application on file.
Please watch our Facebook page as this is where we'll post if we urgently need a foster. Thank you for your support!